Cabernet Sauvignon
CA - Calaveras County
On the prowl for something bold? This AMERICAN DRY RED WINE brings aromas of cherry and black currant with notes of cherry cola, rich mocha and vanilla with a long-dark cherry finish. It's full and it's fabulous but most importantly, it's FIERCE, like you.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Who is the Lioness?
She is woman, hear her roar. She is fierce, ferocious and unapologetic. Her beliefs are her own and she does not waiver. She aggressively goes for what she wants and won’t take no for an answer! She does not back down from a fight. In fact, she is more known to pick them. Looking for opportunities to speak her mind and make her opinions known. Some may say she’s too much, she may even think she’s too much. But the world is made of unique people. Some are sheep. We have plenty of room for a lioness here and there. Who else will go first and speak what no one else will? Who else has a pride behind her to back her up? She goes into her fights with her claws out and on the offense. Her roar is unsilenced.
Curated by Lindsey Graham, The Patriot Barbie, in collaboration with Lost Trail Winery, Canton, Ohio.