2019 Coalesce

2019 Coalesce

Red Blend
CA - Monterey County
Club Members Only
$42.00 / 750 mL Bottle

  • Alcohol 15.2%
  • Bottling Date 06/02/2021
Gold Medal OC Wine Comp 90
Coalesce means to gather as one, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This is the inspiration for this wine and that the idea that each grape's unique character compliments the other resulting in something great. Whether it is an intimate moment, a special celebration or a spirited debate, we hope this bottle gives you a reason to come together to create an energy that can only exist in this moment. 90 points, 2023 Gold Medal winner Orange County Commercial Wine Competition

Maker Name

David Kahal

Vineyard/Orchard Name

Kahal Family Vineyards/Four Lanterns Vineyards