Herbal Cider Vinegar (8 yr old)

Herbal Cider Vinegar (8 yr old)


All of our cider vinegars ferment slow and steady using the Orleans Method, wherein apple wine is poured only half-full into a barrel containing the “Mother” of vinegar. In the presence of oxygen, acetic acid bacteria fully metabolize the wine into vinegar, at which point the vinegar is racked and topped up in a fresh barrel for multiple years of aging, becoming increasingly potent with time. Although our vinegars are unfiltered and unfined, a natural clarification ensues from being aged in barrels for so long, as organic material slowly falls out of solution.Culinary enthusiasts will surely notice the difference that prolonged aging of cider vinegar brings to the final product. Within this particular cider vinegar, we steeped a medley of dried herbs and sumac berries, all grown and processed on our farm, one month before bottling, adding to the complexity of flavors that can be woven into a vast array of culinary dishes and dressings, cocktails, switchels, shrubs, and much more! Ingredients: wild apples, “Mother” of vinegar, sumac berries, holy basil, thyme, sage, lemon balm, nettles